lang_en Fiberglass Restoration system - for cars, motorbikes, boats, canoes and industry

Kit Restauración fibra de vidrio para coches, motos, barcos

Caja de cartón

lang_es_en Fiberglass Restoration System - For Repairs to Car Bodywork, for Boating and Industry
4.4 (64 Comentarios)
Disponibilidad: Non disponible Precio Unitario: 20,50 €sin IVA 24,80 € IVA incluidoVálido hasta: 16-02-2025 AÑADIR A LA CESTA


lang_en FIBERGLASS RESTORATION SYSTEM provides you with everything necessary for professional repairs. This professional kit has a perfect adhesion to wood, metal, plastic, marble, cement, ceramic etc... So the Fiberglass Restoration System can be useful in many fields: to create or repair parts of car bodywork and motorbike, for boating, for example for repairs of boats, canoes, surfboards and kites, or in industry, and for waterproofing.
One package contains:
- Polyester Resin 750 ml
- Fiberglass 0,5 sq.m.
- Catalyst (necessary quantity)
- 1 brush
- 1 small glass
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: The firts step is the preparation because it is very important to clean carefully the surface, removing all the traces of grease, old paint or rust. Take from the canister the polyester resin in the quantity you need, and mix it with the catalyst (included in the package). The catalyst must be 2-3% compared to the resin. Using the brush, spread the mixture on the surface and then apply the fiberglass with pressure. Spread again the catalyzed resin on the fiberglass. Repeat this steps several times if necessary, laying the layer of resin and fiberglass one upon the other till you obtain the depth you need.
You have 5-10 minutes to work the product before the reaction begins. After 30-40 minutes the treated surface is ready for other processes. For example, to smooth the surface you can sand it, or you can apply filler to improve the defects: in this case we suggest the high quality of our Carbon Filler. At the end, if you want you can varnish with the paint you need.

Última Actualización: 4 abr. 2024, Visitas: 86990


Los comentarios de quienes han comprado este producto


Nous avons été...

Nous avons été livrés rapidement malgré les circonstances actuelles, et le produit nous convient parfaitement ; nous avions pris conseil par téléphone avant de commander et avons été bien renseignés par la personne qui nous a répondu. Merci pour votre efficacité. Cordialement. Patrick L.

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en temps que...

en temps que carrossier pendant 36 ans a mon compte je suis ravi du produit que je vous ai commandé, produit que je suivais depuis plus de 20 ANS chez un fournisseur qui travaillait avec l Italie et qui a arrèté ce produit merci encore seul reproche le pinceau est un peu petit

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Professionali e cortesi

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Qualité prix...

Qualité prix très satisfaisant. Merci à vous

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ottima qualità...

ottima qualità dei prodotti e prezzi concorrenziali

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Tutto perfetto.

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